Research Process

Conducting insightful market research for global companies is out core competency

Our market research activities are comprehensive in terms of scope, survey types and research methods. Projects are customized to client and industry needs, and may be conducted either as ad hoc ‘one-off’ programs or tracking programs that allow evaluation and rapid-reaction adaptation to changing market circumstance over time.

In conducting the research we cover consumers, managers, employees and retailers, as well as drawing desk-research information.

Scope of Services

LV partners up with clients, offering the complete range of market research services from project conception through to high quality data collection and advanced analysis.

Project Design

Project Design at LV is based on a sound understanding of clients’ strategic and tactical needs. In laying out project design we abide by the key principle aim of obtaining information that is truly actionable and which can have a real impact on the fundamental business aims.

Primary Data Collection

Primary Data Collection is carried out through a solid fieldwork structure at a national level, on the basis of high quality procedures at the sampling, interviewing, back-checking and monitoring levels alike.

LV advanced data analysis

LV advanced data analysis utilises a range of statistical techniques and methods in order to identify, observe and interpret the underlying patterns and trends in consumer preferences, motivations and behaviour. Extending beyond simple cross-tabular analysis, the techniques used include factor analysis, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis, discriminant analysis, conjoint analysiss, price sensitivity analysis, correlation techniques and other segmentation techniques.

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis is central to the LV approach, and is based both on survey data as well as a continuous monitoring of the market situation, competitor marketing and promotional activity. Our holistic approach in observing and analysing the market situation ensures that survey data is interpreted in the wider context of strategic or tactical activity that is taking place in the market-place.

Analysis and Innovation Work-Shops

Analysis and Innovation Work-Shops complete the LV working cycle allowing clients to benefit at a fully practical level from survey results and data interpretation. Typically these involve client marketing, sales or management teams participating in 1 or 2 days sessions with our consultants, allowing them to fully understand the implications of project results and introduce them to actionable steps that are deemed necessary on the basis of survey findings.

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